Did you know that people share more than 25 dimensions of meaning in their vocal expressions? At OTO Graph, we’ve taken this discovery to the next level by translating these insights into machine learning models. The result? The most accurate tools ever built for understanding human expression. This breakthrough technology has endless applications, from improving mental health and education to enhancing customer service and employee behaviors. By accurately understanding people’s emotions, companies can create products and services that meet their needs more effectively and improve their overall welfare.

Emotional expressions are the foundation of empathy and social connection, but for a long time, scientists have only sorted them into a few categories, underestimating their complexity. At OTO Graph, we’re changing this with our AI emotional radar, a tool that measures the full spectrum of nuanced expressive behaviors people display every day.
Through extensive research around the world, we’ve discovered that people share more than 25 dimensions of meaning in their vocal expressions. By translating these insights into machine learning models, we’ve developed the most accurate tools ever built for understanding human expression.
This breakthrough technology has many applications, including mental health, education, customer service and employee behaviours. By accurately understanding people’s emotions, companies can create products and services that meet their needs more effectively and improve their overall well-being.
OTO Graph is committed to building a new science of expression that captures the complexity of human emotions. Our AI emotional radar is a powerful tool that can revolutionize the way we interact with each other, create more empathetic and connected communities, and ultimately improve our overall quality of life.

By recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence and investing in technology like OTO Graph, we can create a brighter future for everyone.